Embracing the Seasons of Life

Karavi Services
2 min readJan 4, 2021

2020 was certainly a disruptive year for many. It was hard, to say the least, many people suffered from the loss of loved ones and sources of income. Simple privileges like the freedom to visit family and friends were suddenly taken away with all the physical distancing rules. Humankind was tested and forced to do things differently, and we are still on the path of figuring things out as the new year begins.

In this same year, some people also flourished. They discovered their resilience, creativity, hidden potential, a long-lost passion, a new niche in the market, or an innovative solution to support people during this pandemic. Some found love, while others formed amazing friendships and life-changing relationships. It’s interesting to see how one experience can have such different outcomes for different people. This reminds me of the seasons of life and how everyone is on a different path.

Looking outside, the current season is a great example. Most trees no longer have leaves, yet they still stand strong, waiting for the next season to come, for the leaves to bloom and for the trees to have a new life. It is fascinating to observe this because, even when the leaves fall, and it looks like the trees are stripped of their normal aesthetic, the trees are still beautiful. We cannot stop the leaves from falling in autumn. This is similar to our lives where, we must go through different seasons where we experience joy, hardship, discover new things, grow or learn to be content.

We go through each season independently, and it is not always about what the world is going through, but what you are going through as a person. There’s no scorecard, no comparison or competition. I’ve been thinking about this, as I situate my own 2020 journey where I had some amazing achievements and a few challenging situations and I am taking time to be grateful for all those seasons.

As we look into 2021, I am planning to continue developing myself so that I can weather the storms when they come. But also, so that I can be ready when opportunities emerge and extend my boundaries in avenues I never imagined. I want to recognize and acknowledge the season that I am currently in, take all the lessons and the challenges, and channel all that towards the future I hope to build.

“Be aware of what season you are in and give yourself the grace to be there.” — Kristen Dalton



Karavi Services

We believe in people and their potential. We use our space to share messages and resources that will encourage people to grow and expand their boundaries.