Continue to Push your Boundaries

Karavi Services
2 min readAug 16, 2020
Photo credits: KaraviServices, Mt. Longonot, Kenya

Life has several transitions and we often move from one level to another. There are times you have moved from one level to another but you still stick to your old self and your old habits. You have a level of doubt, not acknowledging that you are in a new space at this moment.

It is very important to recognize and accept our transitions so we can be open to the new opportunities that are coming our way. For many of us, this is easier said than done, we have done great things but we’ll still hold back significantly.

  • Remember that job you got and yet you thought you were not qualified for it?
  • The degree you aced but it seemed too difficult to complete?
  • The competitive scholarship you managed to get into?
  • The promotion you got but thought you didn’t deserve?
  • The program you started from scratch that is transforming your community?
  • The business you launched with no substantial capital that is providing key services?

Do you remember who did that? If we reflect keenly, we have all achieved several awesome things we had never imagined we would achieve or gotten opportunities we were quite hesitant to try.

What these experiences are teaching us is that we are capable beyond our imagination! How come we still hold back? Fear and self-doubt are often the main things stopping us from reaching our full potential.

You should use your life journey to pilot, learn and pivot so you can keep moving to the next level in whatever you are pursuing. You are deserving of better and greater so take some time this week to acknowledge where you are in this season, cut out anything that is holding you back and push yourself to the next level.

I am in a space where I am challenging myself to stretch. After a conversation with my colleague this past week and discussions on plans for the future, I was reminded of where I am at the moment. I was deeply reflecting and reminding myself that I am capable and I am limitless and so are you! Step into your current season with confidence, take everything in it and pivot to your next level.

“Doubt is only removed by action. If you’re not working then that’s where doubt comes in.” Conor McGregor



Karavi Services

We believe in people and their potential. We use our space to share messages and resources that will encourage people to grow and expand their boundaries.